Friday, June 17, 2011


Well...I have now entered the blogging world. My whole purpose in setting up the blog is to have some history of all of the cute, funny, naughty, clever things that my kids say and do...not to mention all of the fun adventures that life takes us on. It will hopefully become my way of scrapbooking too! So...Here's the first funny story...
About a month ago when I put Kindia to bed...she of course didn't fall right asleep. She kept shouting different comments to me. Finally, she was shouting..."mom, I'm so sweaty!" "Mom, I'm so sweaty!" "MOM, I'm so sweaty!" I shout back...from down stairs..."Then take your blanket off!" Kindia then replies..."NO! Bring me an immodest shirt!"
Just for coming up with such a good one...I delivered her request.
One other story...I was busy for a second...came back into the family room/kitchen...and Kindia and Kasia had Daisy in their shopping Cart. I exclaimed, "Oh girls!" "YOU CAN NOT DO THAT!" "You could drop her." Kindia replies..."Yeah, we almost did, but we didn't!"
Thanks Rory, Kim and Tonia for helping me set it up!


  1. Yeah, Good for You! I started a private one last year. It is my journal/scrapbook that is intended for my kids to read now as well as down the road, and I can't tell you how grateful I am that I did it. My only regret is not doing it sooner. Enjoy!

  2. I already love your blog Jodi! And I love the name of it. Looking forward to reading about your adventures. :)

  3. Yay for a blog! When you're ready to print your first year go to and they'll turn it into a book! You can't beat that for family history :)

  4. HOORAY!!! And welcome! Ahh 2 great stories to get you started. The second one reminds me of when Dallin was a baby and Josh calls me into my bedroom where I find him sitting on the bed, "Mom, did you know Dallin can do a back flip?" I said, "no he can't and don't you dare try it!" He simply replied, "well, he just did!"
    It's amazing our babies make it through with older siblings around!
